Free at Last!

Jan. 21, 2023:

After leaving the port of Guayaquil on Jan. 17th, we pulled into the port city for Lima, Peru (Callao) on the morning of Jan. 19th. Only to be greeted by the the Captain’s unwelcome news that we would have to ride at anchor about four miles off the shore until further notice as the port was experiencing “unsafe large swells”. It turned out that was code-speak for the fact that Lima had been hit with widespread demonstrations following the impeachment and removal of the President Castillo.  After failing to take the airport in Cusco and the port of Arequipa in the south of the country, the protests had arrived in Lima, and they were violent. Even though all shore excursions had been canceled, the port was temporarily closed. That was a problem for us because our ship was awaiting over 100 pallets of food and supplies, and desperately needed to refuel before setting off across the Pacific.

As time progressed with no change from the port authorities, everyone was on pins and needles. Finally, about 3:00 on the 20th, we learned we would be allowed to dock, off-load some staff to go home (and pick up their replacements), and resupply. Finally, we were able to leave about 2 am on the 21st.  Everyone on board was visibly relieved!  The even better news was that we learned we would still be stopping at Easter Island; a “bucket list” destination for many of our fellow passengers. The Captain has his “pedal to the metal”, as we’re doing 20 knots/hour (about the fastest we’ve ever experienced). However, we’ll still be a full day late in Easter Island. No word yet on what that will do our following ports, but the Gringos don’t care, as we have “paciencia and flexibilidad”; necessary traits for all travelers, as we have learned!

First ship leaving the port.

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