News Flash–We’re Coming Home!

Mar. 15, 2020:

Jim and I have been riding a wild roller coaster of uncertainty here aboard the Mariner off the southwest coast of Australia, looking at the port of Esperance. Yesterday, we got the unhappy news that our cruise was going to end in Freemantle/Perth, and all passengers would be disembarked (even those who had embarked in Miami and San Francisco for a round the world cruise). Jim and I had even decided to stay on the ship to Miami on a much changed itinerary, but that was not to be.

We pulled into Esperance this morning to high winds and seas, although the skies were clearing. I had really looked forward to visiting here as it is the home of Cape le Grand National park with beautiful sand dunes and beaches in turquoise coves. Probably all those pictures you’ve ever seen of kangaroos on Australia’s beaches were shot in Cape le Grand (most likely at Happy Bay).

The Captain had suspended tender operations hoping that the winds would die down some when he got orders from Regent’s home office to proceed immediately to Freemantle where we will be disembarked. We should be in Freemantle by tomorrow afternoon. Jim and I don’t know anything about our flight arrangements yet as Regent is handling those, and I think their team just had to go change them all again because we weren’t supposed to leave the ship until March 19th previously. Things are changing by the hour around here, but we’re comfortable, if a little bummed that we couldn’t stay on the ship for the next two months while this virus madness runs its course at home. Until I can get a decent Internet connection, I probably won’t post again, but I promise to go back and post on all the remaining ports. Keep us in your thoughts!

4 thoughts on “News Flash–We’re Coming Home!”

  1. Do you have the app, what’s app???

    On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 6:11 PM Vaya con Gringos wrote:

    > Vaya con Gringos posted: ” Mar. 15, 2020: Jim and I have been riding a > wild roller coaster of uncertainty here aboard the Mariner off the > southwest coast of Australia, looking at the port of Esperance. Yesterday, > we got the unhappy news that our cruise was going to end in Free” >


  2. Stay healthy and safe! Enjoy following your travels, so only postponed until the C-virus concerns die down.


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